Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is part of the transparency process of 1111DIGITAL MEDIA (hereinafter 1111DIGITAL MEDIA). This document describes the practices of 1111DIGITAL MEDIA in relation to the acquisition, transfer to third parties and confidentiality of the information of the data of the users of 1111DIGITAL MEDIA.

This privacy policy applies to (i) the terms and conditions of use of the web pages published by 1111DIGITAL MEDIA (ii) the regulations of the surveys and contests with endowment published by 1111DIGITAL MEDIA (no game published is subject to the approval of the Regulatory Authority for online games).

If you have any questions about this document or how 1111DIGITAL MEDIA protects your data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the following address:


According to the General Data Protection Regulation, “personal data” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; is identifiable to a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as an identifier, an identification number, an online identifier, or to one or more specific elements of their physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social.


1111DIGITAL MEDIA offers free services that allow you to subscribe to receive commercial communications on different subjects, participate in surveys and online contests and draws to participate in the proposed prizes (hereinafter “services”).

When using the services, the following information may be collected and processed by 1111DIGITAL MEDIA:

  • Declarative data
    • mandatory information in relation to registration in one of our services: title, name, surname, email, date of birth, zip code.
  • Technical data:
    • data related to the terminal you are using.

After collecting this data, 1111DIGITAL MEDIA can carry out commercial prospecting and marketing of its services. In this case, the categories of data processed by 1111DIGITAL MEDIA are the following:

  • Identity-related data:
    • Title
  • Technical data related to cookies such as:
    • Reception or rejection of mail

1111DIGITAL MEDIA may also be the recipient of your databases in order to carry out marketing campaigns and commercial prospecting. In this case, 1111DIGITAL MEDIA uses these databases as the data controller, and the categories of data processed by 1111DIGITAL MEDIA are the same as above.

1111DIGITAL MEDIA does not collect or process personal data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or philosophical beliefs, union membership, genetic data, health data or date. Sexual life or data related to criminal convictions and offenses, or related security measures.


When using our Services, you are informed if certain data must be completed or if it is optional. If you do not communicate the data indicated as mandatory, you will not be able to access the services.


When you register for our Services, the processing of your data is necessary in the context of its management, specifically to store your data and/or your participation, and to enable the draw.

If you agree to the collection of your data, we will process your business partners, including other 1111DIGITAL MEDIA group companies, for business development purposes, on your behalf, so that you can discover their products, services and special offers. Promotions, advice, etc., or from your business partners, and to personalize our Services, for the commercial prospecting actions of 1111DIGITAL MEDIA: loyalty, prospecting and promotion, in particular according to your interests (profiling).

They can also be used to pursue the legitimate interests of 1111DIGITAL MEDIA:

  • To send you email communications about products or services similar to 1111DIGITAL MEDIA. Such as the following sectors:
    • Goods and consumption: food, beverages, cleaning products, household products, fashion, electronic and computer products.
  • To carry out technical surveys, standardization, enrichment and reduplication, which allows us to justify the origin of the information collected.
  • Manage the exercise of your rights (management of requests for access, rectification and opposition, etc.).
  • The development of statistics.
  • Operations related to the prevention and detection of fraud and resolution of disputes.
  • Carry out operations related to the management of our business partners (contracts, orders, invoices, accounting, complaint management, etc.).
  • Litigation management.

Among these legitimate interests, we can mention in the development of our activities, the improvement of the performance and functionalities of our services, the search for our services and clients, the knowledge of their preferences to be able to personalize our offers, and the last place , offer products and services that best fit your needs and desires, prevent fraud and prevent misuse of our services. These actions are carried out under the conditions that guarantee your rights and giving you the right to reject it.

When one of the business partners has communicated your data to 1111DIGITAL MEDIA, 1111DIGITAL MEDIA contractually guarantees that you have given consent to our business partner so that your information is transmitted to us. In this case, your information is processed by 1111DIGITAL MEDIA and allows us to offer you the 1111DIGITAL MEDIA Services, carry out studies, surveys and product tests, as well as carry out loyalty, prospecting and promotion actions. During the first communication with 1111DIGITAL MEDIA, you will receive an email informing you in particular of which commercial partner gave us your data and you can always reject commercial communications from 1111DIGITAL MEDIA.


The Data Controller appears in each communication with 1111DIGITAL MEDIA, and in relation to the placement of cookies you can find the information HERE.

You can also find the affiliates of a website by visiting the “Legal Mentions” within the website, and to learn more about 1111DIGITAL MEDIA.

When you give consent to send your data for marketing purposes to 1111DIGITAL MEDIA partners, including 1111DIGITAL MEDIA companies, each company becomes responsible for the management of your data. Each company that sends you commercial prospecting must be identified in each communication, which allows you to contact said company and exercise your rights.


The company 1111DIGITAL MEDIA, responsible for processing, may transmit all or part of your data to other companies:

  • Within the 1111DIGITAL MEDIA group. Services of an administrative, commercial or technical nature, marketing campaign management services or commercial prospecting.
  • Outside the 1111DIGITAL MEDIA group. To the notary responsible for the draws of the surveys and contests, to the subcontracts that 1111DIGITAL MEDIA performs in certain operations such as: management of internet servers, management of router providers, to monitor and measure the audience of our marketing or prospecting campaigns commercial. 1111DIGITAL MEDIA guarantees that the selection of subcontractors is made when the measures that safeguard the protection of your personal data are in place.

If you consent to the collection of your data, to receive commercial communications about products and services provided by our business partners, including other companies within the 1111DIGITAL MEDIA group, we will transmit your data. So, they become responsible for the processing of your data.

We may provide non-personally identifiable information to our business partners for the purpose of prospecting and marketing, such as the number of people who click on an advertisement contained in an email, the date and time of the click on the URL.


You can exercise your rights, accompanied by proof of identity, at:

Attention: Data Protection Officer
71-75 Shelton Street, London.
WC2H 9JQ, Greater London.
United Kingdom

Or by email to:

If 1111DIGITAL MEDIA has reasonable doubts about your identity, 1111DIGITAL MEDIA may require additional information that you are the person by whom you identify yourself.

We inform you that no payment is required to exercise your rights. However, if the request is unfounded or excessive, 1111DIGITAL MEDIA may apply charges. ✔ Right to oppose the processing of your data and right to withdraw your consent.

1111DIGITAL MEDIA ensures that you can always use our services without this use being conditioned (i) by receiving commercial services from the controller or its partners, (ii) profiling (iii) the purchase of properties for the benefit of a reduction or the provision of a service.

This possibility is offered in all our services and by the establishment of Cookies, and if you agreed to receive commercial prospecting, but change your mind, you can withdraw your consent, as well as reject cookies later.

In the case of the exercise of your right to opposition or revocation of your consent, 1111DIGITAL MEDIA will stop processing your data for this purpose.

How to revoke your consent?

You have the right, at any time, free of charge and without justification to (i) withdraw your consent to the processing of your data and based on this (ii) object to receiving marketing messages from us, or profiling and that we stop transmitting your data to our business partners. Simply click on the “unsubscribe” button that appears in the mailings sent by 1111DIGITAL MEDIA, to manage the configuration of cookies or write to

To stop receiving commercial offers with our current commercial partners, we recommend you go to their conditions for more information. In case of difficulty, you can write to

Right to access your data

You can ask 1111DIGITAL MEDIA if we are processing data about you and, when this is the case, you can obtain access to the data and information related to the data processing (purposes, data categories), recipients, retention period or criteria to determine the duration, existence of transfer outside the EU, source in case of indirect collection and associated guarantees, reminders of your rights).

Right to correct your data

You can request the correction of your data to 1111DIGITAL MEDIA if they are incorrect. You also have the right to complete your information if it is incomplete, including additional information.

In the case of the exercise of these rights, 1111DIGITAL MEDIA will inform each recipient to whom their data has been communicated, unless said information is technically impossible obligation to cancel the data.

Right to delete your data (right to be forgotten)

You have the right to obtain from 1111DIGITAL MEDIA the deletion of your data when there is a reason provided by law, such as: the uselessness of the data or the withdrawal of your consent for the processing on this basis if you object to processing for a business, or if you object to processing for another purpose and there is no compelling legitimate reason for the processing.

In the case of the exercise of this right, 1111DIGITAL MEDIA will notify each recipient to whom their data has been communicated of any data elimination, unless said communication is impossible.

The cancellation will lead to the blocking of the data, keeping it only available to the Public Administrations, Judges and Courts, for the attention of the possible responsibilities arising from the treatment, during the limitation period of these. Once the aforementioned period has expired, the deletion must be carried out.

Right to limit the processing of your data

You have the right to obtain a limitation in the processing of your data when these conditions apply:

  • If you dispute the accuracy of your data, for a period of time that allows us to verify it.
  • If the treatment is illegal and you oppose its erasure and require the limitation of its use instead.
  • If 1111DIGITAL MEDIA no longer needs your data for processing purposes, it still needs it for the purpose of seeking, exercising or defending legal rights.
  • If you have objected to a treatment based on the legitimate interest of the controller, during the verification of whether the legitimate reasons pursued by the controller will have priority over yours.

In the case of the exercise of this right, 1111DIGITAL MEDIA will notify each recipient to whom your data has been communicated of any limitation of the processing carried out, unless such communication is impossible or requires disproportionate efforts.

Right to the portability of your data

You have the right to request the portability of your data. This allows you to receive the data in a digital format. This right applies only to the case where the processing is carried out using automated processes and on the basis of your consent or the performance of a contract.


The “profiling” carried out by 1111DIGITAL MEDIA lies in the analysis of your data on your personal preferences or interests, your behavior when receiving an email, your online browsing, your location. This information may be taken into account to send you personalized commercial communications, depending, for example, on your tastes, your gender, your age group or your postal code. You can still object to this profile (see above)

Right to give instructions in case of death

You have the right to set general or specific guidelines for the retention, deletion and disclosure of your data after your death, including how you want exercise these rights.

These directives may designate a person responsible for their execution, otherwise their heirs will be designated. You can give specific instructions of 1111DIGITAL MEDIA. In the absence of an address, your heirs may contact the 1111DIGITAL MEDIA DPO at

These guidelines, when general and pertain to all of your personal data, may be registered with a digital trusted third party certified by the Commission National Information Technology and Liberties.

Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, such as the National Commission for Informatics and Liberties.


Most of the treatments of 1111DIGITAL MEDIA are carried out within the territory of the European Union. Therefore, all your data will be stored within the territory of the European Union.

Some subcontracts, which act as providers of technical services for 1111DIGITAL MEDIA, may be located outside the European Union, as well as shipping or monitoring platforms for our marketing and commercial prospecting campaigns. In this case, the transfer of your data will be supervised by the appropriate security measures for the protection of your rights, such as the regularization of specific contracts that incorporate the Contractual Clauses such as those of the European Union, or the use of companies located in the United States and certificates.


Your data will not be stored beyond the period strictly necessary for the purposes set out above and in accordance with the law. Your data will be deleted or made anonymous when the retention period set out below expires.

Your data will be kept for three years from your last activity on our Services or in one of our communications by electronic means (in particular clicks on hyperlinks included in one of our emails).

The personal data related to a potential client who has not registered in our Services will be stored for a maximum of 3 years from its communication to 1111DIGITAL MEDIA by one of its partners or by the last contact of this person (especially in a hyperlink included in one of our emails or our associates).

At the end of this 3-year period, 1111DIGITAL MEDIA may contact you to see if you wish to continue receiving marketing communications from us. If we do not obtain a positive and explicit response from you, we will delete your data.

However, the data that allows the establishment of evidence of a right or a contract, or that is kept in compliance with a legal obligation, may be subject to an intermediate archiving policy for a period that does not exceed the duration necessary for the purposes for which they are maintained, in accordance with current legal conditions (particularly, but not exclusively, those provided for by the Commercial Code, the Civil Code and the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users).

Thus, in the case of contentious procedures, including only 1111DIGITAL MEDIA, for example, in relation to the administration or one of its business partners, the data, as well as any information, documents and documents that contain data that can establish facts to the identification of third parties, victims, witnesses and judicial officials may be kept during the procedure, even for a period longer than that indicated below.

Likewise, in case of revocation of consent or if you have exercised your right not to wish to receive further advertising from 1111DIGITAL MEDIA or associates, the information that allows you to make your decision will be kept for at least 3 years from the day of your request. Exercise of law. The data will not be used for purposes other than handling the withdrawal of consent or the right of opposition and only the information necessary to take into account the withdrawal of consent or right of opposition. This, however, will lead to the blocking of the data, keeping it only available to the Public Administrations, Judges and Courts, for the attention of the possible responsibilities arising from the treatment, during the limitation period of these.


The term “Cookie” refers, in a broad sense, to any tracer deposited and/or read during the consultation of a website or an email. A cookie can contain information such as the name of the server that collected it, a unique identifier, and an expiration date.

Cookies are necessary to enable you to benefit from certain features of our Services. If you have chosen to disable Cookies through your internet browser, access to the Service may be affected.

1111DIGITAL MEDIA uses the use of its own cookies, as well as the use of third-party cookies. Only the issuer of the cookies can read or modify the information contained in it.

Cookie settings can be of various types and serve different purposes. They are installed when they arrive at the terminal (computer, Tablet, Smartphone, etc.) or in your browser, subject to the choice you have expressed about cookies, said choice can be changed at any time. You can find out about the nature of cookies, accepted or rejected, either globally for an entire website or for all services, either site by site or service by service.

The data collected using cookies will be stored for a maximum of 13 months. Beyond this time, the data will be deleted or anonymised.

✔ 1111DIGITAL MEDIA Cookies

  • Session ID cookies
    cookies are used by the website on which 1111DIGITAL MEDIA offers its Services to (i) store information about the form you have filled out on this site (eg, Service subscription form, unfinished participation in a survey or in a contest ), (ii) allow access to reserved and personal areas of the website, such as the “User Area”, using identifiers or data that has been previously sent to 1111DIGITAL MEDIA, (iii) to connect again to a content or Service after a certain period of time.
  • Cookie Technician
    Technical cookies are used by 1111DIGITAL MEDIA to adapt the editorial content of the 1111DIGITAL MEDIA websites you have visited to the technical configuration of a computer / tablet.
  • Security cookies
    Cookies are used by 1111DIGITAL MEDIA to improve the security of the services / themes / spaces provided to you (for example, connection to a “User Area”).
  • Audience measurement cookies
    1111DIGITAL MEDIA uses cookies to compile traffic statistics for the websites on which 1111DIGITAL MEDIA offers its Services (for example, their titles, their content) to (i) calculate the amounts that may correspond to our business partners (communication agency, advertising agency, site support / broadcast) and to establish statistics and reports on the performance of implemented promotional operations; (ii) allow 1111DIGITAL MEDIA to improve the interest and ergonomics of its sites.
  • Behavior Analysis Cookies
    Cookies are used by 1111DIGITAL MEDIA to send you targeted advertising.

    The emails we send may set a cookie when images are opened and downloaded. You can prevent such installation by opening only the text of the email and closing it without downloading an image, or by modifying your browser / email software to block cookies.

    The data collected is: IP address, email, terminal, date and time of connection, browser type, browser language, browser version.

    We share information about the use of our sites, such as navigation and/or geolocation data, with our advertising and analytics partners, who may combine it with other information that you have provided to them or that they collected while using their services.

Third party cookies

Due to third party applications integrated into websites or emails that offer our Services, our business partners may use certain Cookies and the use of Cookies by these partners are subject to privacy protection policies, of these, 1111DIGITAL MEDIA informs about the purpose of the Cookies of which we are aware and the means available for you to choose with respect to these Cookies.

Link to the partner’s cookie policy

You can, at any time, change your choices regarding cookies, in particular by the means described below.

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your device or, on the contrary, are rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer. You can also configure your browser so that the acceptance or rejection of Cookies is promptly provided, before a cookie can be registered on your terminal.

For it:

  • If you do not use a browser on this list, you can consult the help menu of your browser to configure it.


1111DIGITAL MEDIA implements the appropriate technical and organizational measures, taking into account the state of knowledge, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purpose of the treatments and the degree of probability and severity of the risks to the rights and freedom of natural persons.

1111DIGITAL MEDIA also takes steps to ensure that its staff and subcontractors who have access to your data do not process it, except as directed by the controller, unless required to do so by law. Union or the law of a Member State.

1111DIGITAL MEDIA ensures that its subcontractors provide sufficient guarantees for the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing operations are carried out in the best possible way to protect data rights


UK: 71-75 Shelton Street. London, Greater London, United Kingdom.
MX: Violet Street, Galeana Street. Mexico city. Mexico.


We regularly review our Privacy Policy and will post any updates on this web page.

Updated July 2022.